The Original Corvette Club (OCC) of St. Louis was founded on July 29, 1979 – when the Corvette was still being assembled in the St. Louis plant at Natural Bridge Avenue and Union Boulevard.
Corvette owners who share and appreciate the same things tend to pull toward one another. This is understandable because they have a mutual interest in America’s #1 sports car, the “Corvette”.
In everyday life that tendency is particularly noticeable in groups. Instead of taking a chance on drifting together from time to time individuals organize into formal groups called clubs.
One such club is the Original Corvette Club (OCC), which has a mutual meeting place, a set date and time. The OCC membership is very proud of the fact we have representation of the 8 generations (C1 thru C8) in our Corvette Family. It is the goal of the OCC leadership to strengthen the organization through common interests in Corvettes and social events. Our club is recognised as a Lifetime Member of the National Corvette Museum (NCM). Our club members participate in and enjoy many local, civic, charitable, and just plain fun activities all year long. Over the course of each year, we participate in several civic and school parades, car shows, fun runs (winery runs, scavenger hunts, poker runs, etc.).
We plan several trips each year to various locations that interest our members, being on the open road is the fun part and socializing with other members, also, other corvette clubs around the country. We have a yearly picnic each summer and a holiday party at the end of the year. We have a Wednesday night dinner group that meets at different restaurants for dinner and to socialize. Our active NCM Ambassador keeps us current with activities at the NCM and other Clubs around the country. The club does highway cleanup along a section of I-44 near Antire Road as part of the Missouri Adopt-A-Highway program.
Members meet once a month and review the past month’s activities and talk about future activities. OCC publishes a monthly newsletter allowing members to stay current with club business and activities. Our private communication media can be placed on your computer and/or cellphone. It houses our members directory, calendar, posts and upcoming events from members including pictures of our activities.
Consider joining our club if you have a passion for Corvettes and enjoy sharing that passion with other owners.